

apt install exiftool




Tag operations

-TAG or --TAG                    Extract or exclude specified tag
-TAG[+-]=[VALUE]                 Write new value for tag
-TAG[+-]<=DATFILE                Write tag value from contents of file
-TAG[+-]<SRCTAG                  Copy tag value (see -tagsFromFile)

-tagsFromFile SRCFILE            Copy tag values from file
-x TAG      (-exclude)           Exclude specified tag

Input-output text formatting

-args       (-argFormat)         Output data as exiftool arguments
-b          (-binary)            Output data in binary format
-c FMT      (-coordFormat)       Set format for GPS coordinates
-charset [[TYPE=]CHARSET]        Specify encoding for special characters
-d FMT      (-dateFormat)        Set format for date/time values
-D          (-decimal)           Show tag ID numbers in decimal
-E, -ex     (-escape(HTML|XML))  Escape values for HTML (-E) or XML (-ex)
-f          (-forcePrint)        Force printing of all specified tags
-g[NUM...]  (-groupHeadings)     Organize output by tag group
-G[NUM...]  (-groupNames)        Print group name for each tag
-h          (-htmlFormat)        Use HMTL formatting for output
-H          (-hex)               Show tag ID number in hexadecimal
-htmlDump[OFFSET]                Generate HTML-format binary dump
-j          (-json)              Use JSON output format
-l          (-long)              Use long 2-line output format
-L          (-latin)             Use Windows Latin1 encoding
-lang [LANG]                     Set current language
-n          (--printConv)        Disable print conversion
-p FMTFILE  (-printFormat)       Print output in specified format
-s          (-short)             Short output format
-S          (-veryShort)         Very short output format
-sep STR    (-separator)         Set separator string for list items
-struct                          Enable output of structured information
-t          (-tab)               Output in tab-delimited list format
-T          (-table)             Output in tabular format
-v[NUM]     (-verbose)           Print verbose messages
-w[!] EXT   (-textOut)           Write output text files
-X          (-xmlFormat)         Use RDF/XML output format

Processing control

-a          (-duplicates)        Allow duplicate tags to be extracted
-e          (--composite)        Do not calculate composite tags
-ee         (-extractEmbedded)   Extract information from embedded files
-ext EXT    (-extension)         Process files with specified extension
-F[OFFSET]  (-fixBase)           Fix the base for maker notes offsets
-fast[NUM]                       Increase speed for slow devices
-fileOrder [-]TAG                Set file processing order
-i DIR      (-ignore)            Ignore specified directory name
-if EXPR                         Conditionally process files
-m          (-ignoreMinorErrors) Ignore minor errors and warnings
-o OUTFILE  (-out)               Set output file or directory name
-overwrite_original              Overwrite original by renaming tmp file
-overwrite_original_in_place     Overwrite original by copying tmp file
-P          (-preserve)          Preserve date/time of original file
-password PASSWD                 Password for processing protected files
-q          (-quiet)             Quiet processing
-r          (-recurse)           Recursively process subdirectories
-scanForXMP                      Brute force XMP scan
-u          (-unknown)           Extract unknown tags
-U          (-unknown2)          Extract unknown binary tags too
-z          (-zip)               Read/write compressed information

Special features

-geotag TRKFILE                  Geotag images from specified GPS log
-use MODULE                      Add features from plug-in module


-delete_original[!]              Delete "_original" backups
-restore_original                Restore from "_original" backups

Other options

-@ ARGFILE                       Read command-line arguments from file
-k          (-pause)             Pause before terminating
-list[w|f|wf|g[NUM]|d|x]         List various exiftool attributes
-ver                             Print exiftool version number

Advanced options

-common_args                     Define common arguments
-config CFGFILE                  Specify configuration file name
-execute                         Execute multiple commands on one line
-srcfile FMT                     Set different source file name
-stay_open FLAG                  Keep reading -@ argfile even after EOF


Searching for Files

Find images in a directory that don’t have a DateTimeOriginal
exiftool -filename -filemodifydate -createdate -r -if '(not $datetimeoriginal) and $filetype eq "JPEG"' .
See files File Modify Date recursively in a directory who don’t have datetimeoriginal set
exiftool -filemodifydate -r -if '(not $datetimeoriginal or ($datetimeoriginal eq "0000:00:00 00:00:00")) and ($filetype eq "JPEG")' .

Modifying Files

Create Captions From a Filename
exiftool '-Comment<BaseName' '-UserComment<BaseName' .
Change JPG to jpg and MOV to mov in filenames
for i in *.JPG; do mv "$i" "${i%%.JPG}.jpg"; done; !#:gs/JPG/MOV/:gs/jpg/mov/


find /path/to/directory -name *JPG -exec sh -c 'mv "$0" "${0%%.JPG}.jpg"; echo "Moved $0 to ${0%%.JPG}.jpg"' {} \;
Change last created and modified for files in a directory

The date syntax has to be YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS

Option 1:

find . -name "*.jpg" | while read filename;
    exiftool "-AllDates=1986:11:05 12:00:00" "$filename";

Option 2:

exiftool "-AllDates=1986:11:05 12:00:00" -if '$filetype eq "JPEG"' .
Timeshift Photos by One Year
exiftool "-AllDates+=1:0:0 0" .
Rename files to datestamp

Filename looks like 2014-01-01 12:00:00.jpg and will append -NUM if DateTimeOriginal is the same for multiple files

exiftool '-FileName<DateTimeOriginal' -d "%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S%%-c.%%e" .
Rename Files to With Milliseconds

Good for burst photos where the seconds are all the same. If milliseconds are only out to 2 digits, use ${SubSecCreateDate} instead

Found at

exiftool -v '-Filename<${datetimeoriginal}${subsectimeoriginal;$_.=0 x(3-length)}.%e' -d %Y%m%d_%H%M%S .
Update any photo that doesn’t have DateTimeOriginal to have it based on file modify date
exiftool '-datetimeoriginal<filemodifydate' -if '(not $datetimeoriginal or ($datetimeoriginal eq "0000:00:00 00:00:00")) and ($filetype eq "JPEG")' .
Set DateTimeOriginal to Any Arbitrary Timestamp
exiftool '-datetimeoriginal=2015:01:18 12:00:00' .

Moving/Copying Files

Copy directory recursively into organized folder
exiftool -o ~/dummy/ -if '$filesize# > 300000' '-Directory<CreateDate' -d ~/Desktop/old_photos2/%Y/%m\ %B -r ~/Desktop/iPhoto\ Library/

-o ~/dummy This flag is to copy, not move. The directory is a fallback if the flag isn’t available on the given photo. Good if using something like DateTimeOriginal

-if '$filesize# > 300000' gets files that are over 300kB. I was parsing an iPhoto library where there were thumbnails. The # turns the value to a number. you can use the flag -n to turn all values to numbers

'-Directory<CreateDate' Create directories based on the CreateDate of the photos

-d ~/Desktop/old_photos/%Y/%m\ %B Create folders with the given date format.

-r Run recursively

Also see