

ntpq [-flags] [-flag [value]] [--option-name[[=| ]value]] [ host ...]


Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -4 no  ipv4           Force IPv4 name resolution
                                - prohibits the option 'ipv6'
   -6 no  ipv6           Force IPv6 name resolution
                                - prohibits the option 'ipv4'
   -c Str command        run a command and exit
                                - may appear multiple times
   -d no  debug-level    Increase debug verbosity level
                                - may appear multiple times
   -D Num set-debug-level Set the debug verbosity level
                                - may appear multiple times
   -i no  interactive    Force ntpq to operate in interactive mode
                                - prohibits these options:
   -n no  numeric        numeric host addresses
      no  old-rv         Always output status line with readvar
   -p no  peers          Print a list of the peers
                                - prohibits the option 'interactive'
   -r KWd refid          Set default display type for S2+ refids
   -w no  wide           Display the full 'remote' value
      opt version        output version information and exit
   -? no  help           display extended usage information and exit
   -! no  more-help      extended usage information passed thru pager
   -> opt save-opts      save the option state to a config file
   -< Str load-opts      load options from a config file
                                - disabled as '--no-load-opts'
                                - may appear multiple times


Check for mode 6

ntpq -c rv <IP>

Also see