



-n, --quiet, --silent
    suppress automatic printing of pattern space

    annotate program execution

-e script, --expression=script
    add the script to the commands to be executed

-f script-file, --file=script-file
    add the contents of script-file to the commands to be executed

    follow symlinks when processing in place

-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
    edit files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)

-l N, --line-length=N
    specify the desired line-wrap length for the 'l' command

    disable all GNU extensions.

-E, -r, --regexp-extended
    use extended regular expressions in the script (for
    portability use POSIX -E).

-s, --separate
    consider files as separate rather than as a single, continuous
    long stream.

    operate in sandbox mode (disable e/r/w commands).

-u, --unbuffered
    load minimal amounts of data from the input files and flush
    the output buffers more often

-z, --null-data
    separate lines by NUL characters

    display this help and exit

    output version information and exit


Printing lines

Print all with “abc”


Print all without “abc”



Delete all with “abc”


Delete all without “abc”


Select a block


Conditional replace


Appending lines

Append ‘Hallo’ after each line


Append ‘Hallo’ after line #5

5 aHallo

Append ‘Hallo’ to end of file

$ aHallo

Pre-pending lines

sed -i '1s;^;new line 1\nanother new line 2\n;' <file>

In-place Editing

To edit file use the -i option this safely changes the file contents without any output redirection needed.

sed -i 's/abc/ABC/' myfile.txt
sed -i '/deleteme/d' *

Drop grep

Often grep and sed are used together. In all those cases grep can be dropped. For example

grep "pattern" file | sed "s/abc/def/"

can be written as

sed -n "/pattern/p; s/abc/def/"

Grouping with sed

Always use single quotes!

sed 's/^.*\(pattern\).*/\1/'

Single Quoting Single Quotes

If you want to do extraction and need a pattern based on single quotes use \x27 instead of trying to insert a single quote. For example:

sed 's/.*var=\x27\([^\x27]*\)\x27.*/\1/'

to extract “some string” from “var='some string’". Or if you don’t know about the quoting, but know there are quotes

sed 's/.*var=.\([^"\x27]*\)..*/\1/'

Conditional Replace with sed

sed '/conditional pattern/{s/pattern/replacement/g}'

Prefix files with a boilerplate using sed

sed -i '1s/^/# DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE!\n\n/' *

Removing Newlines with sed

The only way to remove new line is this:

sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' file

Selecting Blocks

sed '/first line/,/last line/!d' file

See Also