00. Introduction
Introduction to this guide.
01. Adding users
Adding users using the commandline.
02. Managing of packages
Managing packages using the commandline.
03. File editor: vim
Editing files using the commandline.
04. UFW
Setting up a basic firewall files using the commandline.
05. SSH Keys
Generating and setting up SSH Keys.
06. Setup sshd
Hardening the SSH Deamon.
07. Unattended Upgrades
Automating security updates and reboots.
08. Fail2ban
Setting up a Fail2Ban, a package that will automatically ban brute forcing IPs.
09. Logwatch
Setting up Logwatch, a package that parses logs files on your system and sends over a report.
10. Sysctl Optimization
Linux sysctl.conf parameter tweaking to improve memory management, network security, network performance.