
This guide helps first timers to setup a Ubuntu server through the command-line interface (CLI). This was initially written by a old friend of mine to help me setup my first ‘publicly accessible’ server. Over the years I build/updated his work and still use it as a reference for a basic baseline when ever I need to setup a VPS. There is a bunch of things you can do yourself to improve, finetune and further secure your VPS, but this should get you at least setup with the (imo) bare minimums.

This is also the main reason why this guide its aimed at people who are new to Linux and have little to no experience or sysadmins that have no experience with Linux/Linux headless servers and want to get a server up and running. This is by no means a guide on all you need to know about server management.

This guide has last been tested on Ubuntu 18.04LTS.